That so far is all I have to say so thank you for reading this. As a child, did you have long winter breaks from school sledding down the neighborhood hill or building marshmallow towers in your hot chocolate? The same goes for foreign languages and math facts. Also some people might like to have some lie ins from waking up early for SCHOOL! I tak to friendsl/u. Looo loluby fhgblol/lo/l/lolLL l ol l o l l ol l o l o l l o l ll ll lschoolis fun. Parent Says Year-End School Holidays Are Too Long, Suggests Moving 2 Weeks To March After an entire month of mugging for end-of-year exams, one thing Singaporean students look forward to is enjoying a well-deserved year-end holiday. S’pore parent writes ST forum letter saying December school holidays too long, children ‘very restless’ In fact, many would hope that the holidays would last longer. I agree…many European countries (as well as others) do a much better job at supporting the family during vacations, family leave. Dab in the winter, dab in the fall. Now, with Michael Gove proposing shorter breaks for free schools, the feeling is growing that school holidays are too long for children, too. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment! The Daily Telegraph thinks holidays should be capped at four weeks. When there's a lack of things to do, Boredom sets in and kids tend to get addicted to bad habits like video games, TV etc. Do we just want to make everyone dumber? 'Both the kids and teachers need it. But some teachers in … Long distance relatives may choose to remain apart because it takes too long to travel. As a parent of an autistic child the break of routine confuses him., Women In Leadership: What's the Status? Even a short break from the routine can renew and energize students for when they come back without losing momentum in the classroom. In some school districts, school is no longer defined by a long summer, but instead runs over the whole year, sprinkled with breaks in between. 7r6 7. Many parents cannot afford camp, tutoring, and other enrichment programs that wealthier children are offered. I totally agree with Kurt. Firstly, a long holiday; 2 or 3 weeks in the sun far away before slugging away for the rest of the year whilst secretly planning your next escape. They published a piece in 2016 arguing literacy and numeracy scores would improve if children spent more time at school. Her stance is that she wishes Thanksgiving wasn’t such a long holiday, especially because it is right before the end of the term. So here we are, stuck into the second half of the long, long summer school holidays. From an educational standpoint, a child that is able to experience another culture can gain valuable language, history, and social skills. With a short vacation, families can celebrate the holiday, have a bit of rest, and return to school before the vacation turns into a stressful experience for working parents. And hey, Do you want to learn every thing 4 times? I cannot study on my own. I assign my students reading over breaks, at least 1 book for every 2 weeks. IMO school holidays aren't long enough. Family time should be valued more here in our country and that should start now. Every year there’s an outcry from critics about the length of school summer holidays. But other important … School days are WAY too long to be productive Children need to have a childhood. But actually these too long period of freedoms make me lazy and starting to procrastinate works. The long summer holidays are enjoyed in few jobs and are a pay off, in kind, for teachers and pupils who generally work above and beyond their … Children need to calm down and have a good holiday at the end of a busy school year. Most work places do not have the same vacation time so lower income families must struggle to find babysitting if there is an extended holiday., Goal Setting: How to Set Yourself Up For Success: She spent several years working for a local Connecticut school at the district level, implementing new technologies to help students and teachers in the classroom. Ve try vrx86 r76r der 67rb6. Requiring them to read a book, keeps their minds sharp and engaged during the break. Are the School Holidays Too Long? People have to get ready for their new year. Teachers find shorter holidays to be easier for lesson planning. However, long school holidays may be detrimental for children from less privileged homes. So why do we need more time off school? Plus it’s finding activities to keep him amused that don’t break the bank As a parent of an autistic child the break of routine confuses him. These extended holidays are a big part of that, and are detrimental for both parents and children. In the summer did you spend lazy afternoons floating on in an inner tube in the town lake? 7r7 7. Dab in the summer, dab on your mom. Also the longer you spend at school the more quicker holidays will come to relax. Adults understand that sometimes it takes a person’s mind a long period of time to wind down. If the holiday is short, then the child (and the parents) spends most of the vacation either transitioning out of the school routine or transitioning back into it. Realistically, School holidays are enough as it is and that having more holidays would be too much, Because you would want to be at school in that period of time doing work rather than having freedom. I need guides, Grouping studies, Discussing times with teachers and many more. The reality is that once a child is out of school most professions do not allow long vacations. That's mainly everything that needs to be cover. Good bye, School causes lots of stress and this can lead to depression. Also, There can be huge gaps in between studies causing the children to feel demotivated when they return to school. Ghfjncofinghdfuhgjud hfyg 8urtrtrtr turtyuhdgf hdtugfiyi rouetygdufhyu htuidhguh dsuidhft ughdf ughdfu hgu hfu hd u ghdfgh dfuhu hdf u u uigfgf hui hug ughug hu huh hh h h h hh h h h h hhuu huhuuu u u u ufhguhure u huuerg rge gr rg ge gr re e e r e, They be lards and fat curds in jars hhhh h hh h h h h hh h h h h h h h h hh h h h h h h hh h h h h h hh h h h h h h h h h h h h h fattness, Cats fat bc they feel like lards and fat curds in jars the fur on dem is fat ghyddxgydxhdgvdh shgxhdgd sn b sbv h h h h h h h h h hh h h h h h h h h h h h h h h vh h h hh h h h h h h h hfatnees, Because its so so so so so so so so so so sos so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so hard. In some school districts, school is no longer defined by a long summer, but instead runs over the whole year, sprinkled with breaks in between. Leastways … School holidays haven’t always been long. Annette Boardman (of the Daily Kos) laments about the lost momentum in her classroom after a 10-day Thanksgiving Day break. Why shorter holidays are good for kids The school year has come under scrutiny before, but is once more being thrust into the limelight. As much as you may have fond memories of your school holidays, among teachers, parents,and policy makers, there is a lot of debate over how long a school break should be. Recently Michael Gove raised the issue of the length of school holidays and the school day – the former are apparently too long, the latter too short. They say that the school holidays are too long and that children from poorer families can fall behind because of the lengthy summer break. Without long holiday breaks, when do the maintenance managers have time to tackle large repair and renovation projects? Massacre the memes! It’s high time that the US emulate countries like Europe, Australia and Canada in terms of providing vacations, days off, and education. If they actually read it, there will be no problem. Do you want to help our parents get money so we can you know get more presents or only get one every holiday? It has been under heavy debate on whether or not the school day is long enough. It was suggested that a combination of four-week summer holidays and a school day finishing at 4:30pm … Can teachers continue to further their skills without the opportunity to spend several days on staff development? Plus you need to go to school/ work other wise you won't get paid/ educated. But … the kids get bored, they go back to school and don't have a clue what anything is (cant remember) there is nothing for them to do during school holidays, and the stuff there is to do like the zoo What is best for the student? There is also building maintenance and teacher development to be considered. these kids are getting so many time for there selves ,not saying that they should not enjoy there selves because look at it , spend one whole term in school working none stop and when our little holidays come we only get one month or couple weeks that is unfair ,but if you look at this , there a saying that says if you want good your nose must all am saying is that most of these criminal never get the full education because of these holidays so i think they should cut down the holidays . well base on what these comment that I’ve seen i think i will agree on shorting the holidays. Enough relaxation is done during co-curricular activities and PE classes and other sports. She brings up the ethical questions of whether it is reasonable to give a pop quiz the day after break when she knows most students are not thinking about school at all. In countries where some children receive free school meals, summer means bigger grocery bills for hard-up families. Kids will forget the lessons that already learned during school times. If we don’t look after our chickenz, there will be no yolks and eggs and roast chickenz!Meaning we must look after the god chickenz too be great and good people! Short holidays also mean more of them. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. A proud dad of three and, somehow or other, the P. S. This was written by me, A yr 6, Warning! We help educators stay up to date with the latest in EdTech and beyond with thought leadership in online vocational education. In America, most employees can only take two weeks off consecutively (unless the person is in academia or is self-employed and financially secure). And teachers do you really want to teach the same boring thing over and over again? Do you think school holidays are too long? Kids go to lots of clubs and it makes them tired, plus School work is just as hardWe need to spend more time outside,because kids are doing loads of work and they will get tired so we need to go outside and excersize and WE NEED A BREAK FROM SCHOOL! Or, if long holidays are to remain a part of the Barbara also points out that underprivileged kids get further behind when summer drags on and on. With an extended break, students can have ample time to partake in the rituals and traditions of seasonal holidays. If you are a human, do not fill in this field. Long school holidays help students clear their heads, relax a little and stretch their brains in different ways. Why should holidays be longer when we already have weekends and public holidays. In an article by the Guardian titled Are the Summer Holidays Just Too Long?, columnist Barbara Ellen and teacher Francis Gilbert debated about the length of summer vacation. As far back as the 1970s, education pundits and politicians have been advocating the idea of a four or five-term year. Most work places do not have the same vacation time so lower income families must struggle to find babysitting if there is an extended holiday. Children need weeks on end in the summer to be "bored" and discover themselves IMO. Families who live a long distance from relatives are able to travel, sometimes across the ocean, in order to connect with their loved ones. Even if you don’t have family far away, an extended holiday is a great opportunity to travel. How about for the family or the school? Imagine that a heap of smart people making the world even better than it is now. In high school, most students spend up to 12 hours a day sitting at a desk finishing all their schoolwork and homework. Vocational Education vs Short Courses: Which Path Should You Take? 6 week holidays are too long. From a financial standpoint, parents typically like a short holiday vacation because of the cost associated with childcare and day camps. This can cause lack of concentration, We have 30,048 hours of schoolAnd 3,936 hours of holidaysJkhhiuyersnftesiinojijtgrTkbdgnitng ty gtrkjy f5htry fiesyuit yiur elf ygtrgyugtih Ruth bury id vguidgtsvit rgrgviery vet right. They should no because kids need a break to. This can develop my creativity in solving problems as well as my communication skills. Long school holidays 'are bad for children' A new report will say school summer holidays should be shortened so that children are not left unsupervised for six weeks. Francis argues that shortening the summer is not the answer but that society as a whole must look at the respective roles of teachers and parents in modern society. Then you will get bored and want to go to school again. School work, especially in junior high and high school, becomes a child's job. It gets me out of the swing of things and I find September terrifying, each year. Once they make the transition, more creative imaginative play can be developed. In many families, religion plays an important role in the holiday season. This is why I think that it should not be banned. Some activities (like a theater production for example) are best carried out over an extended holiday. Io in lessons without parents! Should school breaks be limited to one week or is it important to have an extended holiday in which to gain other life experiences? Households where both … After nearly 20 years of school, it is difficult for young adults to realize that there will no longer be large chunks of time in which to goof off and relax. The debate has been rumbling on for years. Barbara uses the argument that parents become exhausted and financially strapped trying to keep their children stimulated throughout the summer. This is true for some subjects and age groups; for example students learning to read must practice these skills consistently or the teacher will have to reteach some of the concepts. They will get over tired and bored. From this angle, it seems only reasonable that a teacher require some homework so the students aren’t behind when vacation is over. There are some obvious advantages to a vacation that lasts three weeks or longer. The two women banter back and forth about the pros and cons to long breaks. Teacher Gil Wilson thinks the summer holidays should be left alone. Teachers vary wildly on the idea of homework over holiday. This message has been approved by Donald J. Trump, Dat Boi, Peepo, and also Your Mom. Lots of people like to spend their time having holidays or going out to the beach. There is also limited opportunity to explore other life experiences like travel, community service projects, and other investments. L engthy school holidays are an antiquated relic of the Victorian era – a necessity for the agricultural economy of the nineteenth century when schools needed long … @IngeniousChi Thank you for the correction! Sometimes students actually discover something wonderful and occasionally run out of time on their essay-quiz in class. School is good for education so if you have more holidays education is lacking. I know this is contentious, but I think secondary school summer holidays are four weeks too long. In my opinion, for the good of the general public, schools should not have very long holidays. Shortening the summer stifles a child’s ability to experience freedom and learn creativity and autonomy. Teachers spend at least three weeks of the … So what do you think? The Economist explains Why school summer holidays are too long More learning, rather than more schooling, may be the answer Explaining the … This message has not been approved by hillary clinton. Short holidays also mean more of them. Holidays give families an opportunity to spend time together and celebrate. Parents who have children in these school districts enjoy the ability to go on vacation when other schools are in session. Listen up all you people that are so exited to start having hovercraft, You could have it even sooner if we keep our holidays the same. Oftentimes holidays like Hanukkah are difficult for families because they are busy celebrating during a time when school is in session. Longer breaks such as the winter holidays allow families an opportunity to reconnect. Teachers are building a methodical foundation of knowledge that must remain strong in order to expand upon budding skills. However, for decades, there has been a lot of debate among teachers, parents, and policymakers around the world, on how long a school break should be. Parents who have children in these school Julie DeNeen has her bachelor's degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of New Haven. School is good for education so if you have more holidays education is lacking. Are you a teacher, a parent, or a student? I am all for a trimester schedule with four week breaks. In New South Wales, between the late 1840s and the late 1850s, children only had one week off at Christmas. School term dates In this section In this section National events Public holidays School term dates Official tourist sites Find things to do, places to see, accommodation and upcoming events. Many parents cannot afford camp, tutoring, and other enrichment programs that wealthier children are offered. I'm Tom Briggs. After all they argue, when an employee takes a vacation day, there isn’t an expectation that they will work. Underprivileged kids get further behind when summer drags on and on. We're out on the streets in Birmingham to see what the public thinks. P. S. School is still awsome and yo mom gey. Also the break starts on Friday meaning Saterday and Sunday are basically a sugar coating while we only have Monday and Friday off its basically only 2 days max. However, school is a bit different. Bonus is you can spend time with friends at school/ get new friends. Summer learning loss is a well-known phenomenon in many schools. It's an interesting topic for my family because I have a husband who's a high school teacher. I feel that we do not need such long holidays … Except as permitted by the applicable copyright law, you may not reproduce or communicate any content from this website, including any files downloadable from this website, without the permission of Open Colleges. 7r. Since the very definition of “vacation” means to have a break from regular life, many educators do not give homework. I’ve been to Europe this year and even if it pains me to admit that they are way better than the US in these categories. especially in Ireland. Open Colleges Pty Ltd ABN 61 000 011 692 Provider Number 90796 | Integrated Care & Management Training Pty Ltd ABN 82 003 899 527 Provider Number 90197 | YourLife Health & Learning Inc t/a Open Colleges School of Health ABN 39 742 730 429 RTO 40049 CRICOS Provider 03733E, Annette Boardman (of the Daily Kos) laments, Giving Student Feedback: 20 Tips To Do It Right, Free Online Courses: Top 50 Sites to Get Educated for Free, 21 Ways to Check for Student Understanding, 30 Things You Can Do To Promote Creativity, How Peer Teaching Improves Student Learning and 10 Ways To Encourage It. I mean we already have weekends and public holidays. So where are our kids, aged 12 and 15? As we near the return to routine that comes with the new school year, I'm asking whether the summer holidays are too long for kids and parents alike. It is a big adjustment for a person to transition to the new rhythm. When I asked him if the holidays were too long, I got the big N.O. When kids having their leisure time during school holidays too much, This will surely affected their academic performances. With continuing demands on them, and excessive homework, getting up early, spending 6 hours at school and then to be expected to spend more The problem with low socio-economic school systems is that the free camps and other recreation programs are often the first to get cut from school or municipal budgets, which just goes to show what society really values. She also taught workshops to teachers about the importance of digital student management software, designed to keep students, parents, and teachers connected to the learning process. Hfukegfuierghrugfhdwixjdwhbkwdjiodwueruf3ndajioehferifrjfporgo954uyui4hfneujfhebfmfb fjehfufhrwrf frjf g g gt gty hy u6 ju yuj yjm jyu yuj juy g g g g g g f g t ds f hj r g h t f j k g d t t g j t r e g j uy r t u t d g g, No! When the vacation starts, it takes a few days for the child to transition to a freer schedule and routine. P. S. This was written by a year six! As summer school holidays in Britain last six weeks, Kerry Davies and Vicki Psarias debate whether or not the school holidays last too long. People might go into high school and have to get all the stationary. Oh shit here come dat boi waddup. Yo dad lesbian! In orthodox faith for example, Christmas is celebrated for twelve days from December 25th- January 6th. You can find out more about her @jdeneen4 and Google+. I’m at work, of course, and so is my husband. Holidays are around 40 per cent more expensive during school holidays, and headteachers previously had the power to allow up to 10 days of term-time holiday. © Open Colleges 2020-2026. American society needs to more closely emulate Europe, Australia, and Canada when it comes to vacations, days off, and education. How good would that be? If communities and schools have enrichment programs during the holiday vacation, then students can participate in activities that would be difficult to do during a regular school term. InformED is an Open Colleges blog all about education. One of the primary concerns for people who are against a prolonged vacation is because of the “forgetfulness” factor. Why should holidays be longer? Yo mom gay! The kids will get board and loose interest in there subjects. Screw ya'll! The whole vacation gets taken up with festivities, homework, and family obligations. And t gay and ur mom same and school is awsome cuz u can play surviv. I bet you if we had longer holidays some kids would forget 35% of what they learnt the previous term. When classes do not have a definitive beginning and ending in accordance with the scheduled vacation, teachers can spend up to a week or more rehearsing the same lesson plans that were taught in the time before the holiday. One of the benefits of school holidays is the time that families can spend together. As for myself, A boarding school student, I becomes really excited when it comes to school holidays. Work needs to be done/u nde r s t a n d and s c h o o l i s no t boring. 7 r7 r77 6r7r 67 6rr 67 r67r 676r 7 67. Critical academic skills need daily repetition and teachers know that parents may not be able to carry out practice at home. The Europeans, Australians, and Canadians are the ones who provide family time such as after a pregnancy; they have the better, right family values, and the United States needs to catch up instead of disparaging Europe. Parents need money so we can have a home and food but if we make the holidays longer they wouldn't get paid as much as in the school terms. Primary school holidays started on Nov 16 and secondary school holidays started even earlier on Oct 26. We could learn different things and be smarter if we keep our holidays the same. If school were set up more like a job, would society better prepare children for the working world? So much so that from 2015, the government is planning to … Generally starting at 8 A.M. , and finishing around 3 P.M. , the school day lasts around seven hours, for kindergarten Generally starting at 8 A.M. , and finishing around 3 P.M. , the school … According to NPR.Org, school causes stress due to the extremely high standards. Secondly, taking short breaks, perhaps weekends and bank holidays… Europe is more family friendly in both good times and bad. Even with a homework packet, some children may not have a home environment that encourages learning. It also teaches reasoning skills because they have to justify the reading. Francis suggests that the community should offer low-cost or free experiences for their children. When they come back, they have the promised quiz or essay. I was told that there was a 4 day week end but is it really a break if it's 4 days? Ruby Mullin, nine This idea is mean; there's no other word for it. The focus for students moves away from school and onto family and culture. This is frustrating for educators who must complete a certain number of lessons for a final exam that dictates the amount of government funding the school gets. Yo mama has subbed to t seies and pewdiepie needs a meme review! As the Christmas and winter holiday season approaches, some schools take off a week while others take off a month or more. yes far to long. Long Reads MPs debate cost of going away during school holidays By Alex Morrison BBC News Published 24 February 2014 image caption Going away in the school holidays … Realistically, School holidays are enough as it is and that having more holidays would be too much, Because you would want to be at school in that period of time doing work rather than having freedom. Chickenz must have rest because they lay too much yolks and we cook eggs Made of yolks, we must save our chickenz! Kill the memes! The essay quiz consists of the name of the book, the author, publication information, what the book was about, and making a recommendation to a friend to read or avoid the book and why they gave a positive or negative recommendation. 6 6. Holidays can be a financial strain, too. Back in 2012, Sir Greg Martin (former head of Durand Academy in South… I allow them to use the book they read during the assignment in class. This arrangement changed and, by the 1930s, children had approximately the same amount of time off as children do today, give or take a week. Teachers will get feed up with there class and could go to punishing kids for nothing. To learn to occupy themselves and find out what interests them in the world around them, rather For Success: https: //, women in Leadership: what 's the Status day! You don ’ t have family far away, an extended break, students can have time! 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