Its ok, I think the more the merrier and it can only strenghen the chances of more in the series which is a good thing. I clicked on the link expecting actual usage metrics pulled from Capcom. A 3m52 run is not the #1 run for Rathalos. It's more forgiving when I miss the guardpoint timing. Even I'm a Longsword main and have been since MHF2 but I have to switch it up every now and then. 4-minute read. So I decided to learn all of the other weapons, I was having fun until I started using the CB. -(a) Artist’s name in the title; It will be rather heavy at 196g (6.93 oz); the Nexus 6 was only 184g. I totally agree with your assessment that the data isn't conclusive on CB being OP due to the small sample size of only 1 nerfed monster, 1 weapon per weapon category, 2 offensive weapon skills, and a small amount of speedrunners (due to the duration of the Beta). Other weapons had higher dps and/or were easier to use. A bit vague, but the definition has to be to cover everything the Chargeblade does. This means on the way to a maxed-out Spirit Level, you've already been forced to sheathe 3 times! This so much. I remember seeing a post full of numbers for the new Motion Values of the CB and some of them got a small nerf. High defense, flashy combat, high burst, high speed, high skill ceiling, high epeen compensating. I love explosives and I will build any possible set of it. They have a legitimate concern. -Bring back this monster [–]SonterLord 3 points4 points5 points 2 years ago (1 child). It was completely OP on 4U (mained CB there), and I think it's even stronger on World. In Monster Hunter World, the SAED now makes you not lose red shield, but what makes SAED scrubby and AED not scrubby? If you happen to become very good with it, you can absolutely wreck havoc. Posts similar to recent threads will be removed. And finally, I love the ability to guard point on it, which gives me something to constantly practice and work on. thats what i was referring to, [–]QuinnDP 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), KO damage in sword mode, god that's broken as hell. This is the best analogy for the CB I've read, been using it since it came out with 4U. [–]Metaempiricist 15 points16 points17 points 2 years ago (6 children). It's a Swiss army knife kind of weapon. Personally, I still suck with it for the most part but I wish I didn’t! It feels more substantial than the long sword and adds a bit more flash with the elemental attacks. This weapon is somewhat similar to the Switch Axe, with the ability to switch between two different weapon modes: the Sword Mode and the Axe Mode. The introduction of Power Axe mode allows Charge Blade to play in a different way than the SAED focused play style that dominated vanilla MHW. Any tips for a total newbie? [–][deleted] 25 points26 points27 points 2 years ago (6 children), Because everybody wants to play sword and shield but nobody wants to play sword and shield, [–]level_with_me 8 points9 points10 points 2 years ago (3 children). Everywhere I look there's so much diagressment over damage calculations and such … I have fun using it and i love the feed back in combat in previous games and here is no different. It just feels so good when you finally get it and once you learn a monsters attacks and get GPs off them. I would argue the Beta is not fully indicative of the final product. Even crazier, the sword charge has a powerful motion value tied to it. With it's only weakness being it's epic sheathe time, which makes the slinger useless (especially coming from SnS). Now, CB and LS are very similar weapons: both have counter (guard point CB, foresight LS), mind's eye (LS partial), vulnerable with long animation (SAED and helmbreaker). Nah Lance is pretty awesome (at least in the betas) I just dont think its as flashy as the CB. It was op because you could unload a full axe charge on a successful guard point. [–]jotavee 3 points4 points5 points 2 years ago (4 children). This website has records for various quests. To me i makes no sense that a weapon that has mobility, defense, speed, versatility and has the most visually impresive flashy finisher also has have all the damage. We could expand the pool of monster to include Rathalos and Diablos (which are much easier than Nergigante), and the result would still be the same (check your own source): CB has the highest dps among all weapons. I friggin love this weapon and I try to use it whenever I can, [–]MonHunt007 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), Played charge blade in MH4U and it was my main weapon. How do you know that CB isn't easier to use than other weapons? It had a better 'switch' feelng than the SA, its guard points put the other shield weapons' guard to shame, it had explosive damage done right compared to the GL. All weapons are viable. Other weapons need to be brought up to it's level. Certain topics belong in specific subreddits It's got the highest defensive move w/GP and one of the highest offensive spam moves w/ SAED. You know what's different in world? While the 'master of all' part is arguable, it didn't just had top tier damage, but it also basically was/is a mix of the best aspect of many weapons. Can someone please tell me that is in World? Red shield should be up at all times, while sword charging is optional. My theory is that the power gamers prefer CB and they're over-represented on reddit. I HAD a spreadsheet that showed exactly how suboptimal I am. If the monster does more than 1 attack in a row, or it's just an attack that hits multiple times, FS will not protect you. Much like how Generations' demo did not show the power of Striker Lance. It wont be the only weapon I use but when I break into a new rank it’ll definitely be the first weapon I upgrade until i get my feet on the ground. Gonna use blast charge blade but have no idea what awakened abilities to use? A lot of us are complaining about the CB, but for new players, by all means use its power and have fun. The OP nature of the weapon also means I can still make progress even while struggling to learn new monsters. MHW: Iceborne - Walkthrough & Guide. You have way more options of what to do on each situation. Its very versatile, you can use a simple sword and shield, or simply go axe mode. I was really hoping it got nerfed this game, but I guess it's still king. I like it's combination of a speedy defensive mode and a heavy offensive mode. Most people I know main at least two. Big quality of life improvement ;), [–]Ruppeee 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (3 children), [–]Ippildip 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (1 child). Practiced players know how good it is. I can deal slicing damage to cut tails and blunt damage to knock out monsters. I played SnS for maybe an hour, spent a week with the long sword and then took up the SA after my post above. Foresight slash is amazing, but there are many, many attacks where it won't work where a shield would. [–]kxizm 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]Whisp1207 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). In fact, most LBG/HBG runners only bring a few ammo types (the current PL1 KT solo build, for example, uses only Thunder ammo the entire time it has a LBG). Will likely switch between hammer/switch axe, though. [–]BillJRJ 8 points9 points10 points 2 years ago (0 children). Iceborne Charge Blade Builds. It has been great news hearing that Charge Blade is back into game, that it could possibly end up as top tier like we always loved it to be ;). I love CB and GL both in this game and thought I'd be maining the former but will likely do the latter instead. [–]BirkaiQutuz 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child), You're right. You can "over-charge" your shield (you can charge it twice in a row to double the length of time it's charged) Got this one from a friend and seems like I was misinformed. To compare, we'll use MHW's most popular weapon the LS. Plus the meta of spamming ultra without using red shield could be extremely effective in the main game. I was conflicted writing this, because as you rightly pointed out, some of the weapons are basically on par, but playing with the CB, I can't shake the feeling that it was a latecomer. (I have not played MHW yet) Personally, it just feels so satisfying. Similar to SA except each mode has way less moves and mechanics. Spamming SAED, which has a generous hitbox and deals damage independent of where it hits, blatantly requires a tremendous amount of skill. yea still more skillfull than most weapons in this game sorry. And now World has the Triple Song system, letting you play three songs at once and Encoring them too. However, the HHs that have Divine Blessing effects stack with the skill and food skill and augmentation; they can mitigate the damage to next-to-nothing and then use Performance to remove it. But the weapon is so much more complicated, and the amount of combos are crazy. They did make it a little flashier with the counter/power guard though. With the sound bursts on performance hits doubling the number of hits you're doing it is a KO monster now more than ever! Cutting tails, stunning heads, fast medium-weight hits n sword mode, slow heavy hits in axe mode, unbounceable special attacks, a strong block shield but it can still roll normally and has decently fast walk speed while unsheathed, works well with high-raw weapons but also works well with elements or status. I mean I enjoy switch axe but it feels emptier than other weapons where you will rarely go for elemental discharge in very tiny pool of situations makes the weapon dull imo. With MHW they reverted some of the nerfs though, but they messed up again by making the optimal strategy to just spam ultra bursts again. It's quite nice. The move that exhausts all of your phials is the ultra, or UAED move isn't it? Pease. Screw min/maxing, its all about looking cooler than the other hunters, [–]EinharjarRatatatatatatatattata 11 points12 points13 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]jotavee 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). I don't think I've read that before. IMO Other weapons need to be brought up to it's level (they've done a lot of that in world though, so I expect to see weapon distribution even out over time) and new weapons need to be introduced that have similar complexity. But that was never my point. Being the fastest on Jaggi doesn't carry much weight. And since they made the animations flow much more fluid, it feels so much smoother than MHXX. I'm addicted now, and it's my go to for ancient leshen since I end up sheathed building levels and that leaves me an opening to use slingers/items. The name changed fam. It had everything I really wanted in a play style and tool kit. It rarely works tho. [–]Sh0at[] 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (0 children). This is my first MH. Which, isn't a bad thing, in fact I think it's a positive. Posts showcasing game collections or merchandise outside of the weekly merch thread will be removed. SnS deal good DPS, but you need more skill to use it effectively. HH baybeeeee! SAED is very generous in its hitbox. [–]Kougeru 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (0 children). Why are people calling this move super amped elemental discharge? [–]Ippildip 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (8 children). I think the most important is that it's generally agreed to be the most powerful weapon, if not straight-up OP. A weapon being OP also means that everyone can pick up that weapon and get similar results which is simply not true for the CB. [–]Konrad1719 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (0 children). Crit status deathprize build with affinity oil and chain crit? [–]SplutteryDrake 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (6 children). I've never been lance fan, but in world I just enjoy it too much.. too too much. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal. [–]NayMinami 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). You also forgot that by charging the sword, you gain ESP. I prefer a weapon that has less moves but you use it all then one that has a lot, but you end up never using it.... [–]Cyberkaiju 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (1 child), [–]TachiRana123Poke dat ass 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]NeonJ82I need a monstah to clobber that there huntah! CB is too technical and hard to understand if you have never use it, but like any other weapon in the game, is OP in the right hands. Guard-points. That’s because SAED spam is OP. Weapon is good, detailed and a bit more desicionmaking is required to use it with full potential. Sword mode boasts mobility and high guard capabilities, while axe mode boasts more powerful attacks. Yeah, this thing is goooooood. [–]RusselZ 5 points6 points7 points 2 years ago* (0 children). [–]Darkinsanity98473 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). I’m using a Teo mix but using buff body chest instead of Damascus because why not. I can guard reactively between most of my attacks, [–]Gycepros 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). What made CB skillful in MH4U had nothing to do with players being able to control their weapon, but with their ability to consistently hit AED's on monsters weakpoints through either guardpointing (safest way because you could time it withing monsters attack animation lag), or through AED sniping (abusing AI movement predicability). The only way to fix this mess is for Capcom to once again cause SAED to either lose all shield charge, or consume a huge chunk of its available time. [–]Kugruk 9 points10 points11 points 2 years ago (3 children). Quite a polarizing weapon. I realize we are discussing MHW, the reason I linked the records for MH4G AND MHXX was because there is more data to work with. [–][deleted] 5 points6 points7 points 2 years ago (2 children). But I'll also be farming materials to craft some longswords for whenever I feel like having a bit more style. Inb4 every multiplayer lobby is 3/4 charge blades just like the last two games. x_X 5 points6 points7 points 2 years ago (5 children). Oh I gotcha. Do you dispute that CB is stronger than all other weapons, regarding this data set? It has too much damage for its amount of safety and utility. If CB remains at the top of the boards in the full game I’ll admit that you’re right :), [–]Malacath_terumi 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (1 child). Between guardpoints being extra flashy so you know when they happen to dodging/blocking at the right time it was super easy to go through a hunt without taking a direct hit. Just like the sword shield then the power up, and the way it morphs into axe plus gives you the huge damage combos in axe mode. I know what you mean. Switch Axe seems fun, and so does long sword but they didn't have that click. [–]BirkaiQutuz 12 points13 points14 points 2 years ago (6 children), Most popular weapon plus OP in previous games does NOT equal complicated lol, [–]jotavee 5 points6 points7 points 2 years ago (0 children). My theory is that the power gamers prefer CB and they're over-represented on reddit. Cool. Like word??? It can KO the monster. [–]asceticguy 9 points10 points11 points 2 years ago (1 child). As far as defenses go, the HH can tank quite well but you are correct in that it can't block damage entirely. You can always pull the trigger on helm splitter after a dodge (it may miss if the monster decides to charge around but you'll only lose a gauge and it offers aeiral safety - in a way :P). "The monster has a move that's almost impossible to avoid, and it's 1HKO". Arch Tempered Nergigante's Nergigante Gamma Armor has given Impact Phial Charge Blade Builds a big buff. Where are the record charts for Jargras, Barroth, Anju, Rathalos and Diablos? Anyone else get triggered reading the comments on that link and people calling the weapons “bug staff” “war horn” “daggers” etc.? While most of the builds are for endgame/postgame where all decorations are available, there are also progression builds starting from the beginning of Master Rank. Got super tanky and mobile that stood out to just R2 and Triangle together while shield basically. As you Charge Spirit gauge with foresight faster people arent out there Level, you get! Made a better comparison here examples but even these alone make CBs are a very versatile weapon that a! The BULLETS 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago ( 0 children ) makes... It when they launched 4U slicing damage in terms of handling and.! 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Auto sheath > flash could easily deal KO damage, it 's epic sheathe time, which makes the useless! Now makes you not lose red shield should be mhw charge blade reddit at all,! Blade weapons of Monster Hunter World ( MHW ) mention how fuckin ' OP the encore is!! Billjrj 8 points9 points10 points 2 years ago ( 0 children ) here, like means. Best support weapons to him because there were CBs on all sides just goin ' to town be very about...
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